Monday 23rd September, Crazy Daisy arrived in Kupang, Indonesia. According to all reports it had been a peaceful but windless sail, with Daisy motoring for 70% of the leg. The entire crew is loving Kupang and throughly enjoying the experience, visiting the local food markets, tasting the street food (Oh I hope their stomachs stand up to it) I’m waiting with baited breath for the “so & so” is sick with an upset stomach report! But maybe they will get lucky, I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Kupang is not a fabulous beach resort, it’s ramshackle houses are built right up to the waters edge. Bob was not happy about the dead rats washed up along the shore. The fleet had to make its first stop here to clear customs and immigration for Indonesia.
Debbie, who is one of the Oyster organizers traveling with the fleet wrote this email today;
Dear All
Earlier today Susanne and I visited a local orphanage. It is one of twelve in the provence, only 4 of which are government funded. The orphanage cares for 45 children between 2 and 16 years old some of whom are true orphans, others who have parents who can’t support them financially. Needless to say the visit was very humbling; the property, albeit very clean was extremely basic.
The girls share one dormitory of four bunk beds, 4 girls in each bed. The boys sleep in one room on a concrete floor. Meals are cooked over an open fire, with wood collected by the children. There is a well for water – with an electric pump when they have the funds for electricity, otherwise it is lifted by hand.
We asked the staff of the orphanage what they needed, and their response was basic food – rice, sugar, noodles and cooking oil. Luxuries would be money for food, and to send the older children to school – currently the government only funds education up to primary school. Susanne and I stopped at a shop on our way home and have purchased some toys, as well as 5 sacks of rice, some sugar and oil.
There will be a bus leaving from Teddy’s Bar at 9am tomorrow (Wednesday morning) to revisit the orphanage, we should be back by 11.30 at the latest. If possible on the way I would like to pick up 8 mattresses for the boys dormitory (300,000Rp each). We worked out that for a total spend of 5 million Rp, we could donate the mattresses in addition to the food and toys. If anyone is able to contribute that would be great – 5 million divided by 20 (19 boats plus Eddie & I would be 250,000Rp or £14). If you have any clothes, books or anything else to take that would be great, in addition if anybody is able to attend to present the gifts it would be much appreciated – our flight leaves at 1pm so I’m rather short of time in the morning.
I was touched by her kindness. hearing about the orphans made me think of my friend Angie, who visits an orphanage in Mexico every year as a volunteer, the world needs more people like Debbie and Angie.
I wish I was there in Kupang with my Daisy crew, not only to enjoy the experience but also to do some good and bring some happiness to the poor little orphans. But knowing many of the people participating in the world rally I’m confident that they will all give generously to the poor orphans.
How lucky we all are.