Category Archives: Captain Bob

Mystery Tour of The Bay of Islands

  November 12th 2016 We had all decided to take a day to explore, Paul and Trish wanted to do a mystery tour, meaning you take turns to decide at each junction which way to go, left or right. No maps just drive in whatever direction takes your fancy and see where you end up. […]

Update From Crazy Daisy in Fiji

Hi Heather, It is just before 7:00 in the morning here and Eddie and I were on deck watching the day break over the Fijian islands we are anchored next to, and we heard your email arrive. We were actually watching the Flying foxes return to their roost. Last night we watched them leave at […]

Party Time in the Marqueses

This-morning I received this email from Bob. It sounds as though they’re having a blast, I’m so wishing I was there. Oh well, I’m really happy that they’re all having so much fun… I am Safely in the Marquesas after 3000 miles of open water. The terrain is stunning and dramatic. The Polynesian peolpe are […]

Just a Quick Job

Anyone who knows Bob will know him to be a hopeless perfectionist. In my forty plus years with him I have never known him to not finish a job, or take a shortcut, or say, “that’ll do, it won’t show”. No, if a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing well, it’s the only way he […]

Stories From a Voyage. By Bob Morgan

(note: from Heather, this is why I love my husband so much) Stories from a Voyage Not Everybody Makes It Through The Night Not three little birds on my doorstep (that’s a different Bob M.) but Three little fish on my toe rail.The rising sun has already started to bake the vibrancy of life from […]

Crazy Daisy Update

Friday night email from Bob……………. Hi Heather. We are in the little bar on Lemon Cays. Edward and Paul are about to try the Internet. There are only 2 outlets. No wireless. Don’t know whether the outlets will be fast enough to support skype. Look and see if Edd or Paul shows up on line. […]

January 19th Another Day

Another email demonstrating my husbands talent as a writer, I have to wonder is there anything he is not good at! Hi Heather, We are safely anchored in the Rosario Islands attached and below are todays ponderings. Another Day It’s another day, no not a refresher of the last day, but another day. Totally new, […]

January 17th. The Sea Brings Forth The Poet!

Another rather poetic email from Bob in Cartegena, I think the atmosphere was having an effect on him, read on. Good Morning Heather, I am sat on deck, clear blue skies, looking over the morning scenes of Catagena waking up. The unreal juxter positions of The gleaming Miami Vice skyline one side of the bay […]

January 16th, High Winds…

So here is a snipit from Bob’s last email. I was questioning him why they were heading to the San Blas, when Graeme had plane tickets from Panama (on Friday 18th). F.Y.I Both Porvenir and Rio Diablo have little airports, well actually “airport” is stretching it a bit, both islands have a garden shed that […]