Oliver Wilde once said “consistency is the refuge of the unimaginative”. Those wise words have often been a comfort to me, because I have never credited my self with having much in the way of creative imagination, and I have rarely managed consistency in anything, other than the continuous chaos of my life. Anyone who knows me will agree with that. I am often (usually) in chaos, and spread the chaos around me like snow on a mountain…
This coming Thursday (3rd March) I fly back to Panama and Daisy, arriving about eleven at night, and then leaving for a month at sea the very next morning, without time to unpack or provision or prepare or find my sea legs. Needless to say I’m taking Dramamine with me and a bucket!
Bob is going to do the provisioning before I arrive, I’m hoping he will get all the things I would like for a month at sea. The longest I’ve been at sea up till now is six days.
I can see us setting sail in chaos. I’m not going to be below trying to unpack and organize while bouncing around the ocean, so I can’t admit to being very excited about this trip. Being me, I’m going back with a mountain of luggage, so I can see that the trip will start in chaos and probably remain that way until we reach the Marquesas a month later.
The reason for our crazy rush to leave is so we can buddy boat with Babe, although they are leaving a couple of days before us, we hope once we reach the doldrums that we can motor to catch up! hmmmm we’ll see…