Monthly Archives: April 2013

Be Accurate or Beware!

I’m so avidly and enthusiastically following Crazy Daisy’s adventures with my boys in the South Pacific, I can barely wait for their news each day; this is a journey where they continually report a blissfully exhilarating, wonderful time, the best yet in Daisy’s history. Gone (it would appear) are the horror stories with tales of […]

And Then Paul…

For those of you that enjoy following the adventures of Crazy Daisy, should really read my brothers account of his adventures on and off the boat since the start of the rally. Here’s the link to his site. Enjoy 🙂

Falling Sails and The Italian Chef…

My most recent email from Captain Bob, received this-morning. Bare in mind they are 10 hours behind us in the UK, and 5 hours behind the USA, which leaves me in a permanent state of confusion trying to figure out what time it is with them. They’re going to bed as I’m getting up, it’s […]

Nuku Hiva Photographs

For those of you wanting to see photographs from Nuku Hiva, visit this site.

Manic Fun & Near Disaster…

Another email from my boys in Nuku Hiva… Received Monday 15th April 2013 On Friday, we had the Oyster events and party, with all the natives doing their thing it was fantastic. All day was a blast, Ed is really enjoying himself. Yesterday we took the boat to a little bay and walked deep into […]

Cannibal’s in Paradise!

While my boys, Bob and Ed are having an absolute blast on the island of Nuku Hiva in French Polynesia, as I write this my brother Paul is on the way back to join them. Paige, Ed’s girlfriend will also be flying out in the next couple of weeks, meanwhile I’m here in England wondering […]

Thank you Readers

I just wanted to say Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the trouble to write to me or make comments on my posts. I wanted to let you all know that I read everything sent to me, although I don’t post many comments on my site, they are all read and so […]

Party Time in the Marqueses

This-morning I received this email from Bob. It sounds as though they’re having a blast, I’m so wishing I was there. Oh well, I’m really happy that they’re all having so much fun… I am Safely in the Marquesas after 3000 miles of open water. The terrain is stunning and dramatic. The Polynesian peolpe are […]

At Last

Daisy has arrived at the Marqueses, and is on her way to Nuka Hiva, expecting to arrive tomorrow morning (Thursday April 11th). The weather has continued to be calm and peaceful with only 4 or 5 knots of wind, so the sail has been very slow, but the crew are all well and looking forward […]

Daisy Update

With only 670 miles left to go, Daisy should arrive in the Marqueses in the next four to five days. There’s very little wind, so the going is pretty slow, but they’re sailing under blue, blue skies with flat calm seas. Dolphins are jumping and showing off their acrobatic skills to Daisy’s crew, I wish […]