Category Archives: Oyster World Rally #2
Boobies in the Bedroom!
Friday 16th June 2018 Life’s always full of surprises when you live on a boat, and surprise visitors happen frequently, sometimes uninvited visitors! As Lesley and I were preparing dinner tonight, twas to be a delicious fare, consisting of Lesley’s sautéed cabbage with cumin seeds & turmeric, my soufflé potatoes, vegetarian & pork sausages […]
Birds Behaving Badly!
Following my excitement and rather pathetic endeavors to photograph a Cockatoo about 70 feet at the top of a tree with my powerful Nikon zoom lens; we arrived at Hamilton Island to find dozens of them everywhere. Common as sparrows here in Australia, the Cockatoo’s are literally everywhere and brazen with it. They’re a great […]
The Whitsunday’s The Oyster Group letting Their Hair Down
Sunday 10/06/18 The majority of the Oyster boats gathered in the marina at Hamilton Island, in the Whitsunday’s. Settling in alongside they all raised their Oyster banner’s. View of Hamilton Island Marina Sadly the number of boats in the rally has shrunk quite a bit from the start, as people keep dropping out for […]
Meeting the Koala Bear’s
I’ve never really agreed with keeping wild animals in captivity, although, sadly in the future it may be the only way to ensure the survival of many endangered species. I’m appalled and disgusted by “trophy hunters”, they are vile creatures, who have no respect for our planet or its precious wildlife, no one, even governments seem […]
Wallaby’s on the Beach
Tuesday 29/05/18 Our next trip out from Mackay started at 5am, as Bob, Glenn and I headed out to Hillsborough National Park to see the Wallaby’s and kangaroo’s on the beach. It was a 90 minute drive and we arrived just after daybreak. Having grabbed a coffee from the cafe we headed down to […]
Weird & Wonderful Aussie Critters
Monday 28/05/18 We spent 5 days in Mackay, not exactly a tourist trap, although the marina was quite nice. Tourism here comes a poor second to the sugar and agricultural industries upon which this little place thrives. The main town certainly wasn’t the prettiest place I’ve ever visited, and there’s not much offered in the […]
Australia “on route’ The Journey!
Thursday 24th May 2018 I hadn’t let on that I was nervous about doing the passage from Vanuatu to Australia, anyone who reads my blog is well acquainted with my fear of ocean crossings. However, in an effort to be brave, I was determined that I was going to make this trip. True Blue […]
To Australia – The Passage!
Friday 19/5/10 – ? Don and the crew didn’t feel that the weather was favorable for our planned departure on Thursday, so it was Friday midday before we left the bay to head out, the weather was good, and our first day back at sea was quite lovely, even I enjoyed it. (that’s not […]
At 8am this morning, Lesley drove Don, Glen, all the medical supplies and me, ashore to meet Dr Donald’s driver, we carefully picked our way in between all the coral heads to reach the shore, a very precarious trip at tick over speed. The driver picked us up in the one and only vehicle on […]
Tuesday 7/5/18 Following a very relaxed Monday in Havannah bay, we weighed anchor early on Tuesday morning and set sail for the tiny Island of Emae (pronounced M-eye). As usual I slept for the best part of the trip, Bob fished and landed quite a sizable Tuna. I really don’t like filleting Tuna, its messy, […]