Category Archives: On Route
On March 15th I posted “Fabulous Pacific”, at the time I didn’t have the photographs available for the page. Having had the time at home to go through the six thousand plus photographs that I took on the trip, I finally found what I was looking for, I decided that I would post them now, […]
Daisy Update:
Daisy is now three days into her leg to the Marquesas. Most of the fleet are in front, as once again Daisy was one of the last to leave, (awaiting crew members returning) however, there are four boats behind her so she isn’t totally last. You can see her progress on the yellow brick tracker. […]
Fabulous Pacific
Sunday March 3rd All the air has been knocked right out of me by the breathtaking beauty that I’m engulfed in at this moment. I’m seriously struggling for words to even begin to describe what I’m seeing and feeling, I couldn’t begin to do it justice… We’ve taken hours of video footage and hundreds of […]
Whales Dolphins & Sharks
Saturday March 2nd, More… What a truly amazing day we had today. Daisy managed to do a few hours here and there with her sails up, but mostly we were motoring, there simply wasn’t enough wind, and we would find ourselves bobbing along at between 2 – 3 knots, basically going nowhere fast, at that […]